What are you talking about? "Girlboss" has nothing to do with being childfree; "girlboss" was a backlash label with roots in the late 90s, when there was a (sexist) push to resegregate girl children and boy children, and scooch girls over toward the pink and sparkly. We got whole

"girl power" and then "girlboss" sponsored events out of these things. Skating rinks loved them. Many t-shirts sold with both words in sparkle cursive across the chest. They were never meant to denote actual power and bossness; quite the opposite. They were meant to adorable-ize women's real power out of existence.

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I concur on just about this entire essay with one caveat. Particularly Yes to discarding a false dichotomy between saints /sinners in deciding to stay in or out of church. We are all sinners.

My experience of motherhood was similar to yours in that I was supported in a post Catholic college friend group and never had a baby in an isolated setting. Which made it all rather delightful even when it wasn’t.

One caveat - not so sure about the suggestion of an embrace of religious practice without at least a tacit acceptance of its claims - IOW - I don’t think an instrumental approach to church participation will have the desired results without some kind of eventual conversion to actual belief.

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“…married parenthood of multiple kids is like bananas: Once, it was the only option; now, it is the ideal option, regardless of whether it seems like the tastiest one.” Great analogy.

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