Alas, I think this divide is found in all religious groups in the US now. Trump(ism) seems to have opened a rift, allowed a particularly cruel nationalism to take hold. I think most reasonable people agree that our borders should be less porous and any real criminal element should be removed. BUT it's in how we treat the 'strangers' among us, in how we act as 'good Samaritans' that the differences are most stark between the factions. If we follow Trump's categorization that we are "the garbage can of the world" we will end up categorizing our fellow humans as trash, not people. Maybe I'm biased because my grandparents came to this country in the early 20th century, fleeing pogroms, becoming citizens, opening businesses, and having children -- and I love America for that. But I believe we can look for ways to secure our borders without dehumanizing those who come here. I hope we--as a national culture--can walk that path.

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Amen to all! Right now, it’s not looking good…

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